Friday, April 13, 2018

Natural Bridge.

Historic Natural Bridge, Virginia

Today is the anniversary of Thomas Jefferson's birth. Ages ago, I used to work at his home Monticello and imagined myself in his shoes. I wrote this poem after a visit to the Natural Bridge (pictured above).

Natural Bridge

Although plagued with financial difficulties, Thomas Jefferson retained ownership of this natural rock formation from 1774 until his death 52 years later.

Here you look up
and you are six,

an answer from father.
Thomas Jefferson’s
word for this rising

stretch of stone
was sublime:
how the throat

can feel so full,
yet unable to speak.

he considered his father,
the surveyor,
cutting through Virginia,

mapping the earth’s
wonders. Then
coming home

with the warm air
to Shadwell,
to his growing daughters

and son: his face
rough as a cliff,
hands red and concealing

the season’s
first strawberries
as their gift.

When you link with a communicator in spirit, you should not only be adept at describing him or her but you should be concerned with what they are bringing to the recipient.

You may be given a memory, but sometimes in the communicator’s hands, there will be an item of evidential value, or simply a gift.

You shouldn’t expect there to be a gift. But notice their hands. Describe their hands, and know they may do something that reflects their occupation or interests.

I once connected with a jokester grandfather as a spirit communicator, yet he was very dry, very hard to read.

Diligently, I gave the recipient what he was giving me, but kept getting noes. As soon as I asked him what he was doing with his hands, he began pulling a rope, and his occupation as a sailor became crystal clear, and the communication had a better flow.

In your day-to-day life, notice these things, notice how people carry themselves, hold their hands, describe their hands to yourself as you look at them.

Be a collector of human nature and your interactions with spirit communicators will become more natural.

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