Monday, October 9, 2017

True meditation takes no effort.

For mediums who are newly developing, I’m a fan of what’s usually called guided “meditation” as it guides your attention to a voice, to following steps, and accepting imagery that is not from your own imagination.

This process mimics the communication from Spirit. When we either hear or sense Spirit, it comes as if from outside of ourselves and gives us imagery that may be new to us, and as mediums, we must be disciplined to be fully aware of what is offered in order to follow it and thus communicate it clearly.

But is this meditation? No. It’s called an exercise because its purpose is to strengthen your attention. I’d like to differentiate between what is a meditation and what is an exercise.

True meditation is a lack of attention.  All it takes is being who we are in the present moment, just simply enjoying the being of awareness that is aware of what happens in the moment. There is no listening to a voice, or chanting a mantra or focusing on a flame.

It’s an allowance to let all sensations flow through your bodymind without the focus on any objects. Meditators allow all thoughts and perceptions to float by like the clouds floating through the sky, allowing whatever storms may be brewing. The sky doesn’t say no to the weather. The sky doesn’t focus on the birds gliding through or cringes when a jet airplane soars across it.

All objects in the sky are rendered knowable because of the light of the sun. All experiences you have, the knowing of them, is illumined by Awareness.

The purpose of meditation for mediums is to relax into the now, where our universal Awareness resides. This is the dimensionless space where Spirit communication happens. Knowing this experience from our regular experience of meditation is instrumental in being able to immediately step into what many call “The Power.”

It’s available to us in every moment. It’s effortless and comes from love and our enthusiasm to be aware of this universal consciousness which is our source.

(When we spend time doing what we love, which comes from our enthusiasm, time seems to stop. We are in the now. In the clair circle that illustrates this post, I saw this message come through the image of a container of tennis balls which turned into an hourglass.)

An exercise may begin with a meditation as we sit just allowing, (as consciousness is always available, it pervades all experience). Next, your tutor’s voice may be heard with steps to follow in order to lead the bodymind on a shared experience to focus attention.

In every exercise, allow what happens, even if you are not following the steps of the exercise. This may seem to contradict what I said about the importance of exercises for mediums. When you are ready to follow, you will see the importance of the purpose of the exercise.

But if you are not ready, you are not ready. It’s more detrimental to set up conflict in yourself or to judge yourself for not following the exercise completely.

Surrendering yourself moment to moment to awareness is even more important than following an exercise laid out by your tutor.

It’s true meditation.

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