Sunday, October 1, 2017

How to use nervous energy before a demonstration.

Painting by John Mulvaney

Imagine that you are home alone. There's a knock on the door; you answer the door and on the other side is the most wildly famous person you have ever met. It's understandable that you would feel shocked, be nervous, stutter, but once that initial nervousness is over, you treat them like any other person because you are relating to them on their level.

You listen to them, perhaps pay extra attention because you are savoring the moment. The outside world disappears. In the back of your mind, maybe you think "I want to be able to tell everyone that this person spoke with me!" But in the moment, you are listening only to them.

This is how we should treat each Spirit communicator. They are the most important person in the world in the moment. We have a conversation with them, an obligation to listen only to them, but we know it's not the medium that they came to speak with, but their loved one in the audience, or the person sitting before you.

Every link should be treated this way. So why do we feel nervous before a demonstration? Like a good host, we may feel excited to bring forward an exciting guest to our friends. When we host parties, we are filled with anticipation, and excitement, and maybe nervous if we are concerned about everything going right.

How do you turn it around to work in your favor?

It’s okay to feel all these emotions, even nervous energy. Welcome your nerves as an indication that you care about the quality of your work as a medium. If you didn’t care, you may not feel that level of anxiety about things going well.

However you feel, it’s important to tune in and identify your emotions before you give a demonstration, because once you start working, every emotion you feel, if you are clearly listening to Spirit, will be from Spirit to their recipient.

So, as Spirit speaks to you, ask them, "Who are you here to speak to?" and go to that person. Then hear that person's voice, feel their energy, watch Spirit's reactions, and base whether or not you work with that recipient on that, not on any possible "no, I don't understand that" you may hear.

Recipients can be forgetful, they may unreliable for any number of reasons, they may have their own agendas.

Don't play games. Work for Spirit and always listen to them without putting your spin on the conversation.

If you have a recipient say, "I understand everything..." but then you hear "No" next, don't give up. Say to Spirit, "Say that in a way that he'll understand." Then listen, watch, feel, and Spirit will clear it up.

Once again, if you have nerves, name them. Notice the feeling because once you start working, they will be replaced with the emotion given to you by Spirit. If you're still nervous, consider that Spirit is nervous, and that is what you have to tell the congregation. Ask Spirit, "Why are you nervous?"

If you are nervous about going direct and don't feel guided to a recipient or an area and you throw it out, keep expecting that Spirit will guide you to their recipient.

When you hear their voice, Spirit will either be thrilled (yes!) or not (probably not the right recipient). Always go with Spirit's emotion. Say, "Your grandfather is thrilled to hear your voice! Now, he shows you a memory of playing snooker…”

Never go back over old information as that puts you in your mind, where Spirit does not reside.

Spirit communications only happen in the moment so always stay in the moment, always go with something new and keep it authentic.

As you practice noticing your emotions, work with your spirit team outside of your practice time, and visualize proceedings going well because you are listening to Spirit and not the recipient.

Here are four basic reminders about that exciting time you start your demonstration:

1. Never work with a parked link. Always begin each dem noticing how you feel, what emotion Spirit brings in, and bring that in with your voice.

2. Always ask Spirit who they are here for, and don't second-guess yourself. If you feel off, then throw it out, but you should always try going direct because Spirit knows best.

3. Don't get put off by any "noes" just say, "Let's put it another way, you'll understand it this..." and Spirit will tell you how to phrase it better.

4. Take the "I" out of mediumship. Speak confidently about your work, but keep yourself out of it. Mediums sometimes ask recipients, "Are you happy with who I have?" Know that you don't “have” a spirit communicator, Spirit is communicating through you.

Nerves may crop up during presentations when things happen that reflects on us. Mediumship is never about us. It's about being a servant for Spirit, giving them the voice that they lack in our materialistic world. Ask yourself, "how can I best listen to and be the voice of Spirit?" and be that voice.

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