Thursday, October 12, 2017

Dialogue with Spirit.

The well-conducted home circle is the holy of holies of Spiritualism. It is there that the fullest, sweetest, most direct and spiritual spirit communion occurs. It is there that the periodical seasons of comforting, refreshing and stimulating intercourse with loved ones can be most completely and naturally enjoyed. It is there that message after message, with all the cheering and satisfactory internal evidences of the presence, identity and abiding affection of the dear ones, who are but just behind the veil, can be received. It is there that the care and counsel, the helpful guidance, the kindly warning, and the sustaining teaching of cherished friends can be, and frequently is, experienced in a continuous and convincing series of interviews, utterly impossible anywhere else. Home circles are, therefore, the very soul and salvation of Spiritualism. --E. W. & M. H. Wallis

We began last night's circle with a discussion of the above paragraph from that classic mediumship tome, “A Guide to Mediumship and Psychical Unfoldment“ by E. W. Wallis and M. H. Wallis (undated but probably early 20th century). 

My position was that 100 years ago, mediums were sitting in circle with the intention to bring through natural and loving communication instead of hard, cold factoids to prove our eternal existence. Sitting in circle was both "comforting" and "stimulating." I would have to agree! I love the collaborative environment of unfolding mediums supporting each other along their paths. 

This is the true meaning of dialogue: suspend judgement, listen actively to what is said, ask questions and reflect upon what was said. This takes time, and should be experienced in every classroom. 

However, a European student who attended commented that he had adverse experiences with home circles where an uneasy sense of competition and jealousy prevailed. That may happen in any group, especially where the participants feel they are "gifted" or have "a talent" for whatever skill they are enjoying.

I came across such sentiments in creative writing groups, especially where there was a well-known writer leading the meetings. Writing students jockeyed for favor and it never sat well with me. Backstabbing ensued, friendships suffered.

Aggrandizement of egos brings everyone down!

Look for circles where you feel accepted, heard, supported, yet challenged. In between meetings, sit with Spirit on your own and establish your singular rapport with your guides. Give gratitude for every success; identify and work on your weaknesses. 

May you feel your dear ones in Spirit cheer you on as you progress.

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