Wednesday, December 7, 2016

How Jack talks to Jill.

How does a medium get her information from a spirit communicator for a demonstration of survival?

My belief is that the communication happens the same way it does for whether it’s one or one hundred mediums: The spirit communicator projects their essence to the medium’s spirit guides. 

Almost simultaneously, the spirit guides transmit the information in a way that’s best understood by their partner, the medium.

Say a spirit communicator named Jack hopes to speak to his sister Jill, an incarnate mediumship tutor. He knows that Jill will be leading an open circle on Sunday afternoon, so he sends his intent to communicate out to the beautiful, bright lights that are the guides to Jill and the five mediums working that day.

Come Sunday, Jill hatches a plan to have her brother in spirit work with her students. Mediums A through E are given the challenge by Jill to connect to the same spirit communicator at the same time! They look forward to seeing what will happen and prepare to blend with spirit.

In the spiritual realm, Jack projects himself telepathically, his entire spiritual essence, to the gathering of guides who then transmit his information to their medium sitting in the circle. Each medium begins to sense what information is sent their way from this communicator in spirit who happens to be Jack.

This is how it shakes out in Jill’s circle:

Medium A’s guides show him a picture of his brother Axel while Medium B’s guides send her a feeling of her brother Butch, so they know this is a brother relationship. Jill says “Yes!”

Medium C, who is an only child, feels a closeness of relationship with a person of similar age, and also hears the name “Jack.” Medium D senses Jack standing to her right, dressed in boots and lederhosen, and receives a memory of him climbing hills, all of which Jill understands.

Medium E, who has three sisters, is given a memory of herself and her friend’s brother playing Battleship. She states that playing Battleship was important, when it was actually the relationship that was being offered. Jill says, “I don’t remember playing Battleship.”

Medium E’s guides look at each other and shrug. As Medium E got a “No” from Jill, she quickly asks her guides to clear it up. They give Medium E the word “Bro” which is what Jill affectionately called Jack, so there is a big affirmation, and excited high-fives all around in the spirit realm.

(Back at home that evening, Medium E meditates with her spirit helpers and asks for a favor in the future. She kindly asks her guides to use the word “Bro” to indicate a brother relationship. In turn, her guides remind her to use the word “also” to separate the relationship statement and the activity.)

Jill’s lesson ended that day with many more affirmations of specific information about Jack, which is now considered evidence of survival: his name and nickname, appearance, hobbies, his manner of dress, occupation, health issues, and finally his passing into spirit from a fatal head fracture.

The emotional evidence the mediums brought through for Jill included memories, his personality quirks and evidence that Jack knows what Jill is up to as his presence is around her. The mediums all expressed gratitude for Jack’s happy participation in Jill’s exercise, as well.

As mediums, we sense Spirit in many ways. We rely on our guides to help by filtering the information sent out by spirit communicators, and work to our strengths as mediums. Daily confabs with our spirit team are great, but we should at least plan to chat about upcoming demonstrations before and after working mediumistically, to prep for and debrief each session.

As you progress in your development, always anticipate your guides throwing curve balls and giving you new ways of receiving information. Be open to direct contact with spirit, be open to dream visitations and changes in your focus of interest. The world of Spirit is limitless and compassionate, and supports you wherever you are on your journey.

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