Monday, December 19, 2016

Wise words from Margaret.

Use the word ALSO to separate the information. Spirit will tell you who to go to, listen to what Spirit is telling you. If the recipient doesn’t understand, ask for more clarification from Spirit. Listen and they will give you the next thing. --Margaret Challenger

My mediumship mentor Margaret will slap your wrist (metaphorically) if you put your own spin on communication from Spirit. As a medium, always give the spirit person’s words in their manner of speaking, and above all, don’t give streams of information all at once.

If you must give additional info such as a name, always preface that info with "the magic word also.” This way, the recipient can separate what was said and it would far less confusing if it doesn’t immediately register with them.

Perhaps a male communicator makes himself known and you distinctly hear “George.” Most mediums would say, “This gentleman steps forward as an uncle and he tells me his name is George.” There is a good chance your recipient will look puzzled and say no.

But if you pass on info this way: “This gentleman says he’s your uncle. He also brings you the name George.” The recipient may think…”Hmm, I don’t have an uncle George but my father’s name is George” Or, they may associate the name with their uncle Holger’s pet chimp George. Perhaps the uncle could actually be a great-uncle whose last name was George.

This is a wonderful way to gain confidence until you fully understand what the name, or other information preceded by also, means. Give it a try!

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