Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Vital Needs.

Today I’ve been thinking a lot about my vital needs. These aren’t basic needs, like clothing and shelter. They’re things that when we pay attention to them, we feel lighter...happier. Secure. 

When they are missing from our life, we look for quick substitutes that are usually not good for us.

I’m participating in a diet program that really altered the way I think about food. I’ve been a yo-yo dieter all my adult life, and although I crave healthy foods, I would tend to eat mindlessly or emotionally. 

The Naturally Slim program teaches how and when to eat, and that paying attention to our vital needs shows us that when we feel satisfied in other areas of our lives, we don’t get distracted by the contents of the cookie jar.

During the program when I was asked to identify 7 vital needs, it wasn’t surprising to me that spirituality and movement were at the top of the list. I feel closest to Spirit when I’m moving around outdoors, with the sun on my face and breeze at my back. A walk in nature vs. chocolate cake? I’ll take the walk anytime.

Another daily need is being with people, especially my family. I feel more connected with my life purpose when I’m with my husband and son. It’s not about “creating memories,” but simply being in each other’s presence that gives me joy.

Finally, one of my top three needs is having a project: creating art. It can be as simple as doodling or sketching in the sand with a stick, but I must create something or write every day. Whether it’s a clair circle or spirit portrait, working on my bigger projects are especially satisfying. Drawing makes the time zoom by, and the last thing on my mind is my next meal.

I think everyone should try to list their own unique vital needs. The key is identifying your needs, then writing out at least a couple of ways you can make them happen. Find time for at least one daily or at the least, a few times a week.

Sitting in the power and communing with my spirit guides is something I make time for at the beginning and end of each day. Having a routine makes sure that it happens. If you are a developing medium, where does spirituality fall in your list of vital needs? Do you chat with Spirit easily and happily as you do with your loved ones? Does Spirit inspire you to create...to laugh...to just be you?

What are your vital needs? Below is the list provided by Naturally Slim, but of course, you may think of others:

Personal time
Need to give and do for others
Recognition for achievement
Approval and acceptance
Order and closure
Time alone
Financial security
Being with people
Learning something new
Listening to music
Having a project
Variety of experiences
Structured time
Unstructured time
One-on-one attention
Group relationships

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