Wednesday, November 16, 2016

what is your view of Spirit?

During my morning meditations, I sometimes ask my guides to help me blend with spirit communicators who aren’t for any particular recipient. This I enjoy doing in order to just chat, or receive philosophy, with no expectations other than the joy of working with Spirit.

This morning, I was greeted by a gentleman of jockey-esque stature, and sure enough, he showed himself in silks, racing upon a thoroughbred. “This physical life is a lot like being on such a steed,” he told me. 

Spirit is represented by the horse and our body/mind is the jockey who tries to reign in and control the power of Spirit.

He explained that the racetrack represents life on this earth plane, but when the tension of the race ends, when we die, our body/minds dismount and Spirit is free to recuperate and relax. Whether the race was won or lost is of no consequence to Spirit.

I thought this was a lovely metaphor of humankind and spirit co-existing as a team, but I got the impression this jockey didn’t always feel this way...this was his way of communicating his transition, his freedom from cares as Spirit, in terms that he understood when he was alive in a physical body.   

What a joy it was for me to connect with this fellow, and I’m grateful that he shared with me his view of Spirit.

Now, ponder this yourself: What is your view of Spirit?

Do you have an easily relatable metaphor inspired by your daily life, that you can pass along? If one doesn’t leap to mind, perhaps your guides can assist and send you an image during a meditation, or a walk through nature, during dreamtime or when you’re singing in the shower.

What’s your message?

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