Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Artist's Prayer.

My guides cut to the chase and I count on them to, well, guide me to what’s important in the moment.

Last night I slept very little as news of the election returns destroyed my sense of peace. At 2:00 a.m. I was compelled to sit outside, to watch the rain fall, and tried to meditate. I felt better as I put my hands into an oregano plant that I repotted and needed some TLC.

Throughout the day I let my guides bring me where I needed to be.

I felt I needed to go to work, although it was tempting to call in sick. Walking past a colleague's desk, I was drawn to visit with him and noticed he had a book called The Mission of Art by Alex Grey.

The book sang out to me, so I placed a hold on it at our university library. I read a section online, and posted The Artist’s Prayer on was the lovely meditation I needed to expand my heart. I include it here and ask that everyone write their own prayer for what makes their soul sing.

Creator of the universe,
How infinite and astonishing
Are your worlds.
Thank you
For your sacred art
And sustaining presence.

Divine Imagination,
Forgive my blindness,
Open all my eyes.
Reveal the light of truth.
Let original beauty
Guide my every stroke.

Universal Creativity,
Flow through me,
From my heart
Through my mind to my hand,
Infuse my work with spirit
To feed hungry souls.

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