Monday, September 25, 2017

Personal responsibility address.

Yesterday’s address, given at the Divine Service on, was preceded by a reading I adapted from an Andrew Jackson Davis lecture, which ends with this quote:

And you, my friends, should not altogether justify your tempestuous natures by reference to surrounding influences. But rather say that you are ignorant of yourselves. An angel is calm and happy because it is wise as to the existence, nature, and proper exercise of its immortal attributes. This is the great secret! You are yourselves universes in miniature. You are the masterpiece of the material creation; and yet, you are but a mere link in a chain to an endless concatenation of physical and spiritual entities which flow from, and spirally return to, Deity.

The Great Harmonia: Being a Philosophical Revelation of the Natural, Spiritual, and Celestial Universe (1852) by Andrew Jackson Davis

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