Thursday, September 21, 2017

The art of mediumship needs artists.

As a medium, see yourself as a particular character that is, at its deepest reality, eternal Spirit temporarily modulating as your physical being.

You bring to mediumship your physical sensations, viewpoints, your tastes, your way of seeing the world. You may not see yourself as an artist, but the talents and brilliance that makes you “you” are the tools at your mediumship workbench.

Just as a sculptor creates a likeness of a person out of a clump of clay, by defining each bit, etching detail upon detail, so should mediums consider their demonstrations of the survival of Spirit.

Mediums, like writers and actors, use words and emotions to bring their creations to life. When you as a medium flesh out a spirit communicator, see that emotions are the building blocks upon which this particular modulation of spirit must be created.

Like a painter, before working, gaze upon your empty canvas. Scan your bodymind and take note of your particular sensations. You may be feeling nervous, you may be calm, you may have an aching shoulder, you may be tired...just note how you feel.

Give yourself a good minute to relax. No need to do a twenty minute "Sitting in the Power" exercise right before working with Spirit because they are right with you, all the time.

The “Power” is simply your awareness.

Now, invite Spirit to work with you and immediately, from that point on, you are the artist and the spirit communicator is your creation.

Acknowledge Spirit, ask how you can help make them known to their recipient. Ask who is their recipient? Open that door, and invite the recipient’s voice in as an element of your work of art.

Their voice will guide you, but don’t pay too much attention to it. Sense it as emotion, as a color that adds to your creation of the spirit communicator’s identity.

Build up a description by adding details to your broad strokes. Here’s an example:

I am aware of an older man. Anne, your grandfather is here to speak with you. You will remember this grandfather in Spirit as a tall, quiet type. His face is calm, with a long, nose, high cheekbones, and hazel eyes. There was not much hair on his head, which he laughs about. He liked looking young. He had a habit of chuckling with his mouth closed. You’ll remember your grandfather as slender but not frail. He was active to the end, and even liked to show off his muscles. He reminds you of times when you’d grab his arm and he’d swing you around…

Note how the art is in providing details, emotions, and all without saying things like, "I see..." "I hear..." "I know..." because it's not for you, even though Spirit may show memories with details that you will understand. 

Although the memories that flash by are from your own life, speak of them as they relate to the recipient, because that is why you were given them.
Understand that information will flow when you surrender to Spirit and allow the emotions of memory to penetrate your being. Notice in my example that there is a lot of physical description because that is an easy way for a recipient to identify someone, as if you were describing a photograph.

If you don’t describe the communicator and instead, start describing Spirit involved in an action, see that action as being significant. Do include a detailed description of your communicator in order that the individual can be understood. Then step back, and talk about the broader parts of the message.

I hope you resonate with this metaphor, and try to view your demonstrating experience as an artistic endeavor. The art of mediumship needs you!

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