Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Our gifts are from God through us.

I’ve been reading a lovely book for spiritual artists called Crafting Calm: Projects and Practices for Creativity and Contemplation by Maggie Oman Shannon.

Chapter 7, “Crafting for Connection with Others,” starts off with the quote above by Janice Elsheimer. Her words struck me as being core to my non-dual worldview, that we are agents of divine awareness as we live in, manifest, and appreciate the beauty of the natural world.

I post it as a reminder that when we produce works of art, we aren’t creating a connection with others but are celebrating a connection that already is inherent in our being.

Beauty lessens our feeling of separation….a loving connection is felt through sensing a work of art, be it looking at a photograph, hearing a song, touching a sculpture, eating a cake, walking in the woods...when we appreciate beauty, we feel in harmony with the world.

Honor the artist within! Your gift is to share how God is expressed through you.

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