Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Your spirit pedometer.

“‘If you will take one step we can more easily help you to take a second than we could compel you to take the first if you were unprepared,’ said a spirit teacher to Mrs. Emma Hardinge Britten, and there need be no loss of dignity or individuality, no injury to body or mind, but a gain of strength and spiritual vigor, education of mind and stimulation of moral purpose, by intelligent cooperation and temporary surrender on the part of the medium to wise and loving spirit helpers and teachers” --William Walker Atkinson

Like many mediums, it took years of odd psychic occurrences and (like some), a near death experience for me to take up mediumship. As soon as I sincerely wondered, “Why is this stuff happening to me?” I received a key to another world in the form of spiritual guidance.

My plea was answered because I was prepared to accept my spiritual pedometer. Spirit was waiting for me to take that first step. Six years ago I signed up for a series of psychic workshops and with my first evidential spirit link, I discovered my path.

Rapid unfoldment happens when one is ready. I’m in awe of how many steps Spiritualist pioneers like Emma Hardinge Britten (1823-1899) had to take after embracing the philosophy of spiritual communion. Indeed, once she stepped on her path, Spirit gave her much strength, wisdom and cooperation. She gained fame as a medium and trance lecturer and helped establish Spiritualism in the United Kingdom.

Perhaps pioneers like Emma rose to prominence because they were naturally hard working, dedicated servants, who had a vital need to champion spirit communication and healing. I’m positive that trusting and acting on guidance, both grand and mundane, increased Emma’s “spiritual vigor.”

Support from spirit guides gave me the nudge to explore my spiritual awareness. Awareness is shared by all and it transcends religion. Religion asks the public to adopt rules and creeds; however, being spiritually aware is an individual journey filled with lessons created just for you, the seeker.

Spirit is not going to compel you to act; your willingness is required. This is not a forced march. But must we act upon every bit of guidance we receive?

Of course, we have personal responsibility. We must ask for what we need in the moment and build on our gifts incrementally. It’s important to be grateful for and trust the guidance we receive to move forward with our development.

It was key for me to realize this. I didn’t always act on the loving guidance I received. If I didn’t understand the guidance, or if it didn’t resonate with me, I believe that the timing wasn’t right or I was not ready for it.

Once I was determined to develop mediumship, I asked for mentors and the best way to strengthen my relationship with Spirit. Like magic, my teachers stepped out of surprising shadows. I was led to the Spiritualist National Union, and four years later, I’m now a full member of the SNU and sharing what I’ve learned with other members online. Taking that one step led to a thousand more; sure, a few were blunders, but others have been great, flying leaps.

Take that first step. Watch the numbers on your spiritual pedometer grow as you try, surrender, and believe.

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