Friday, May 5, 2017

Have you seen me?

I believe that spirit communicators visit mediums for a reason. Some are simply curious about their ability to connect, so out of the blue, perhaps at a demonstration or in a private sitting, a medium is visited by a spirit person for whom they cannot find a recipient. The information may be very detailed, their appearance and personality unmistakable. Yet this “drop in” spirit may not be understood.

Some spirits may visit knowing that the medium will be in contact with their loved one at a future date. I’ve heard of a spirit artist who created portraits and years later, would be nudged by his guides to take particular portraits to a church where they were finally claimed.

The young man in the spirit portrait above is an example of a spirit communicator for whom I have not been able to find a taker. I drew him two years ago. Two months previously, I had drawn him in a more rudimentary way. He came through both times with names, information about where he lived and that he was a brother. His demeanor both times was one of patience, of waiting in the cold at a train station until the person who knew him would come by.

I post his portrait here not so much for a reader to identify him, but to illustrate the idea that as mediums, we shouldn’t discount spirit personalities that we can’t confirm immediately. We should honor them by listening to their story, we should thank them for linking with us, and ask them to come again when their incarnate friends or family can recognize them.

Perhaps somewhere down the line this mystery brother will find his family. If that does happen, I have his portrait ready to go.

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