Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Study of Life.

Today I’ve been thinking about connections.

It’s wonderful having a connection to the wider world through the internet, but our immediate world, what goes on right around us, is where we live first and foremost. 

I love how beautifully this constant interplay of energies plays out. 

However, we can become too focused on ten thousand other distractions: our ironically named Smartphones, books, television, shopping, replaying inner conversations, you name it.

Allow yourself to fully experience life while just softly attuning to your intuition. You will be led to discovering so much about life and mankind. 

By looking deeply into what you see about human nature, and reflecting upon it with your spirit guides, you will learn much about yourself and Spirit.

Knowing yourself, and being curious about the varieties and subtleties of human nature, aids in the study of mediumship.

If you’re like me and have developed naturally over a few decades (okay, five decades!), you get more and more excited about Spirit. 

But once you realize that your attunement to the spirit world can help other people heal their grief, you should seek to deepen your understanding of this earthly world.

The whole of life reveals treasures if only you pay attention and make connections on a daily basis. Spirit speaks to us in small, subtle ways. 

Let’s all slow down and pay attention.

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