Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Symbols in Mediumship.

When Spirit gives mediums stand-alone images to relate to their recipient, we often filter that image through our own understanding. 

What we should do is relate what we get and not automatically consider the image as symbolic. Why?

Understanding what Spirit is trying to communicate really isn't up to the medium.

That would mean that the medium is thinking, and as my mentor Margaret Challenger insists: When you’re thinking, you’re not linking.

Everything is for the recipient is another favorite truism. It should be up to the person receiving the message to know what the image references and indeed, it may end up being symbolic to them.

Whenever we try to put our spin on images, or neatly put them in a box, we will likely go wrong. 

I'm not saying that Spirit communicates via symbols. We must refrain from saying what a symbol means to us personally. It's simply not for us to say.

For example, if I got an image of something I have absolutely no clue about, like a TransGorkifyer Thingamjig®, the best I can do is to describe it to the sitter: "Wow, this is a strange looking device. Your uncle is showing you a thingamajig of some sort, it's a metallic colored box, about a foot long, with the letters TGT on it..."

The sitter should know exactly what that thing represents. But if they need more information, the medium needs to go right back and ask Spirit.

If you’re a disciplined medium, you will repeat when Spirit says "Invention!" to which the sitter will reply, "Yeah, I remember now. My uncle was an inventor of the craziest stuff, and funny enough, he called them thingamajigs!"

If you were to think about the metallic colored box and what it might mean to you or might mean to the recipient you may get anything from a monogrammed jewelry case to a stainless steel bread box to a portable cash box. 

You would be off the mark completely.

What happens if after you said “Invention!” the recipient was still unsure?

You should be open and receptive for what’s next. If Spirit doesn’t transmit more information on this topic, let it go and allow the meaning of the thingamajig come to the sitter in their own good time. 

Repeating over and over what you get is not a good idea either!

If Spirit insists on working with you by giving more precise info, make sure you say so. Such a comment would be great evidence as it may point to their persistent nature, or perhaps inventions were the main thrust of what Spirit wanted to communicate.  Be open, be honest, be flexible.

Don’t put your mediumship in a box, even one as cool as a TransGorkifyer Thingamjig®.

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