Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Fatherhood of God Address.

I’m thrilled to announce that yesterday, I was accredited in platform speaking and demonstrating as a medium through the Spiritualist National Union!

In order to earn the accreditation, I had to log in 50 services in Spiritualist National Union International virtual sanctuaries, complete coursework and have my speaking and demonstrating skills assessed by a board of certified SNU mediums. 

This journey began in 2014 and I must say, my development is just beginning at a new level of understanding.

The speaking part of the assessment involved giving an inspired, philosophical talk of around 10 minutes in length, addressing at least one Principle. 

I chose two: The Fatherhood of God and Personal Responsibility (click here to listen to my address on Soundcloud).

My way of working on an address includes inspiration from reading other philosophy, considering my take on the meaning of a Principle, sitting in meditation with my guides, walking in nature to just mull things over, and writing it out or recording it as I speak inspirationally.

I practiced my address by recording a couple of different versions to absorb as I went about my life the week before my assessment. 

With feedback from a trusted tutor, I adjusted it and on the day, asked my guides to help me deliver the address in a way that would move my audience. 

I had handy five bullet points to help keep me on track, and knew that I must spend about two minutes of time per point for a ten minute address.

Please enjoy listening. I plan to record more addresses and post them on my Soundcloud account, and will announce them here in future posts.

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