Thursday, January 3, 2019

My hope for happier interbeing communication.

Welcome 2019 and a very happy New Year to you!

Mediumship development circles are on hiatus this month as I focus on reconciling my spiritual path with non-dual, Advaita Vedanta traditions.
Last year I left the Spiritualist National Union and didn’t renew my five-year-long membership with SNUi. Although I love the people I met as a student and circle facilitator, and appreciate the training I received, in the end Spiritualist philosophy is dualistic and thus can’t provide clarity about the absolute.
Non-dualism, especially the direct path as taught by teachers such as Jean Klein, Francis Lucille, and (my fave) Rupert Spira, takes us in one step to the recognition that we are divine awareness without the need for principles, sitting in the power, or providing evidential spirit communication.
Not that I disavow such communication; anyone familiar with my approach knows that I don’t feel the need to prove immortality with each link we make. However, with the simple act of asking yourself, “Am I aware?” and abiding in that awareness, our search is over. We rest in happiness.
Further, in my experience, there is no difference between spirit and psychic communication. The concern about whether one is linking with a person’s spirit or a person’s aura or an animal’s aura/spirit or a guide’s spirit or a garden gnome is missing the point: all experience is the activity of divine awareness.  
That said, for some people Advaita can feel too intellectual and impersonal. One can have the understanding that we are shared awareness, but an individual like myself who puts attention on her psychic faculties may be seen as ego-based or irrelevant.  
This month, through reading, art, poetry, speaking, eating, drinking, listening, and playing with non-dualism, my aim is to rest in my shift of perspective, to become clear on how to practice psychic, apparent interbeing communication, and to celebrate this understanding in everyday life.
We may take different spiritual paths to the truth but the essential nature of who we are is indisputable: happiness.

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