Thursday, March 8, 2018

The Worst Advice We've Ever Heard About Spirit

Today I played around with a blog idea generator, and after putting in a few choice nouns, the most surreal topic generated was: “The Worst Advice We've Ever Heard About Spirit.”

I had a bit of a laugh, but after I thought about it, I realized that developing mediums get all sorts of advice from well meaning tutors with various levels of appropriateness to the matter at hand: natural communication.

Since mediumistic communication is telepathic, mediums tend to doubt what they receive in their minds when all along they should not be in their minds. Mediums must realize that the unlimited, eternal “place” of awareness (I call it a place as a concession to our object seeking minds) is where we access Spirit communication.

Thinking blocks our access to this eternal, dimensionless place. We can only entertain one thought or image at a time, and if we’re in our thinking minds we miss out on the subtle cues that Spirit gives us to tell their recipient.

I suppose the worst advice I ever heard from a tutor was that "mediums should decide what evidence is important to give to the recipient from Spirit." I was shocked to hear this! Mediums who focus too much on the recipient, and what they should get from the communication, lose the point altogether.

Avoid paying too much attention to the recipient, and focus on the face, emotions, or hands of the spirit communicator. Use your strongest clair to make and keep contact. Maintain contact and if a doubt creeps in, go right back to your communicator and feel into what they are trying to get across.

Sometimes we’re wrong, sometimes our limited minds butt in which happens because we’re human and we’re developing discipline. So, never be hard on yourself, or kick yourself for a misstep. When you get a “no” from your sitter, keep going forward with a fresh way to say it or find another spirit communicator there they could understand.

The best advice about Spirit I can give is to enjoy each link and view each link as a chance to learn how to better communicate with these delicate, discarnate energies. It's like a bud starting to emerge, and as it does, you coax its brilliance out where it can fully absorb the light of awareness.

What's the best advice you've ever received? Or, what was the worst?

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