Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Spirit Art and You! Class registration.

Yesterday I was joined by a dozen budding spirit artists for the first running of my no-cost, online intro class, Spirit Art and You! I am so grateful for their participation and thrilled by their success in creating unique art guided by spirit, that I’m encouraged to run the same class this month at a different day and time.

Based on class times preferred by readers of this blog and my Facebook page, I’m excited to announce that Spirit Art and You! will run this Sunday, January 21 at 4 p.m. EST.

We’ll start bang on time, and there will be a short lecture and slideshow with examples of art from my portfolio. I’ll lead a meditation, and each participant will have time to create a spirit portrait or work of psychic art for a recipient in the room.

There will be an exchange between participants who wish to share their work, and time for Q&A. Depending on how many people want to present their work, the class will run between 60 and 90 minutes long.

I hope you consider joining me! If you do, I have two requests: before Sunday, please download the Chrome browser in order to participate in the Google Meet online classroom. Chrome is the most popular browser, and Google Meet is a very minimal, clean platform that is easy to use. I intend to run this class in part to test it out (instead of Zoom), so I’d like to get each participant’s feedback on it after the session.

Next, please register using the form on my website so I have your email address in advance in order to send you the meeting code 30 minutes before class starts.

That’s it! Again, I look forward to leading you through the process of creating art from your essential awareness. Spirit Art is an ancient tool for connecting with discarnate energies and you don’t even need to be an artist to participate, you simply must have the desire to be guided.

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