Tuesday, December 19, 2017

December recap.

Where has the time gone?! It’s been a bit of a roller coaster ride this month, and it’s apparent that I’ve been neglecting my blog, but not from a lack of work!

Because my boss is on medical leave, I’ve taken on her duties and had the added responsibility of training a new staff member. Avocation-wise, I sought to keep teaching mediumship at SNUi.org.uk, but the education committee determined that since I’m not a CSNU, I would only be able to monitor open circles.

So I moved my Wednesday practice circle to a video room and decided in my own practice to focus more on spirit art so I’ve been drawing a lot.

I also had two Divine Service addresses to contemplate and prepare (at least one link is forthcoming). Thrown into the mix were psychic art projects which are always great fun.

Because I love blogging about mediumship and spirit art, I’m glad to be back to tell about my experiences.

Over in England, my mother-in-law was in and out of hospitals since mid-November. She finally transitioned almost two weeks ago. The following morning she appeared to me through a medium-in-training who was giving me a practice session.

My MIL knew I was a medium, and although she was open to the idea of having a sitting, she wasn’t a very spiritual person and declined. I think mediumship makes some people feel uncomfortable, like confronting their mortality. But there she was that morning in Spirit, presenting her information to make her presence known, with her arms around me in support.

I found it interesting that she brought through scenes of her hometown during wartime, and I felt she was “home” with her parents as well.

Currently, my husband is there, assisting with funeral preparations and the selling of her house. It’s a stressful time, but as he deals with all this, I hope that he also feels her loving presence around him.

I’m grieving yet so grateful for my understanding that we are eternal, energetic beings, capable of giving support even without the clunky armor of our earthbound bodies that so often get in the way and let us down.

The portrait I created last night (shown above) shows a friend who passed in middle age after an illness. She came through for her recipient with so much healing energy around her! She was herself a healer and surrounded herself in a healing environment, but even such places can feel devastating especially at the end of physical life.

Spirit communicators often want to soothe us, to comfort us, to let us know we are not alone. To be aware that we are spirit now, and to embrace the healing energy of love available to us, is essential to easing the grieving process.

It is never easy, I don’t mean that, but this understanding may soften the rough blow we may feel by thinking we are bereft because our loved one’s body is gone. The body may be gone, but the soul is light.

December is the month of lights. For eons, humans have praised the power of light in the shortest, coldest days of winter. December’s message is clear: Love is eternal, hurts will heal, and the power of light is regenerative...no matter what you believe happens after our bodies die.

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