Thursday, April 13, 2017

Details make all the difference.

Have you ever experienced the work of a medium who was able to bring through the distinct personality of a loved one in spirit?

The medium may have used certain turns of phrase, or described mannerisms that captured who that person was while on earth in the body/mind you recall so well. She or he didn’t ask questions and the flow of information felt natural and genuinely from the spirit person.

On the other hand, doubt can cloud the whole experience. That's why we mediums should strive as much as possible to ensure that each and every link sounds as individual as the spirit individual. It’s done through asking for and exactly imparting precise details from your spirit communicator.

That sounds simple, but it takes skills which can be honed by practicing discipline in one’s daily life. Following guided meditations to the letter is an easy way to practice. When you meet someone, ask them their name, ask questions about themselves, note how they answer. Carefully look at people you meet, those you pass by, describe them to yourself. Describe portraits in books or magazines as if they were a spirit person. Sense their emotions, feel them within yourself.

To regularly practice giving detailed information is good, but also consider how your entire presentation comes across. It may take some recognition on the medium's side to make sure that each "lovely" man or woman who they present doesn't sound like the one that stepped forward moments before.

Don’t fall into the trap of using the same tone of voice, or laughter, or catch-phrases for people who were outgoing, life-of-the-party types: I knew a man who would giggle, and a grown woman who laughed like a barking seal. If I were to simply laugh my usual laugh when describing either one, a general sense of joy may come through, but not their specific trait.

Whenever you can, record or video yourself working. Upon review, compare every instance of giving general pieces of information (“A grandmother, tall, heavy-set, salt and pepper hair”) with more specific details (“You called her Granny Gorrilla, 6 foot 2 inches, 300 pounds, had black hair with streaks of silver”). Also note how long it took your recipient to positively identify the communicator when you gave more details versus when your information was more general.

Don’t stop there! Was the message detailed as well? Did you say: “She gives you a flower, keep the faith, take her love,” or “She gives you a dandelion that’s gone to seed. As she blows it, the seeds may travel a long way before they land, but when one is planted, a bright flower grows. She wraps her large arms around you so you can feel her love.”

It takes practice to work this way, but it’s so worth it! You must believe in yourself that you can deliver the subtle, detailed Spirit energies the way they’re expressed, and one hopes, accepted with gratitude.

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