Wednesday, February 1, 2017

You may be surprised...

Mediums who demonstrate survival in public work under a light overshadowing of Spirit. 

When I provide the words of a spirit communicator in their voice, it is such a pleasure for me as a medium, although I do not know what will be said until Spirit impresses upon me with their emotions.

The words will just flow and the energy is palpable.

Spirit is aware of our mundane lives, and many messages reflect this knowledge. Some messages are so poignant for all who are listening that everyone may find meaning in the words.

On Tuesday I gave a message that falls under the category of shared meaning for all. The spirit communicator was a fashion editor, but she said we are too focused on the material world:

The world of beauty is an illusion, what we are seeking when we look at beautiful things is a connection to God. Perhaps we shouldn’t be looking at photos of beautiful people, we should be looking in their eyes, to see the beauty within. If you’re a bit down due to the way people are behaving in general, look into people’s eyes to see what they are feeling and you may be surprised....

This is a reminder that we all can make a true spirit connection with our brothers and sisters who share our planet, by simply taking a moment to really see what is reflected in their eyes.

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