Wednesday, February 8, 2017

On Messages & Beauty.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle campaigned for Spiritualism during the last twelve years of his life. 

In an undated pamphlet he wrote titled “Spiritualism: Some Straight Questions and Direct Answers” (Two Worlds Publishing Co, Ltd. Manchester) he wrote that certainty of life comes from “the ‘dead’ themselves, who send us long coherent messages, giving their actual experience.”

The follow-up question, “Are the messages always lofty?” is answered thus:

“Death makes no immediate change in man’s character, and the foolish
may still be foolish. But we keep such company as we deserve, and those
who approach the subject for help and knowledge never fail to get it.”

Mediums have a duty to be the mouthpieces of Spirit, yet to filter any communications given so they do not appear to be fortune telling, or prescribing, or upsetting to the audience. We strive to give Spirits’ messages in an uplifting way and of course, by transmitting the personality of the spirit communicator.

I’m especially interested in Sir Arthur’s comment that messages are “long” and “coherent.” He may be speaking of trance communications, or perhaps of the evidence provided in private sittings, of which he had many. In public, our demonstrations of survival tend to emphasize facts concerning the spirits more than shining a spotlight on the message. They are succinct links, running about seven minutes in length, long enough to provide assurance of the spirit’s identity to the audience.

The message will have meaning to the recipient, and hopefully, impart a philosophy that can be appreciated by all in attendance. Not all spirits give beautiful messages, however. If a medium has only thirty seconds to relay a message, Spirit knows this and tends to get to the heart of the matter.

During a recent spirit art sitting I gave, the sitter’s grandmother appeared in the wing of a hovering butterfly and gave such a true and tender sentiment that I’d like to share it here. She said:  “Home is where love is, it is not a place, it is a comforting embrace.”

Through clairsentience, I felt her message of being surrounded by love and compassion instead of four walls would be more meaningful than if I said the standard “She sends her love.” This grandmother was a lady of few words, and these words made complete sense to her granddaughter.

Practice giving “long and coherent messages” by connecting with your spirit guides and speaking the philosophy they share with you. I like to do this through my iPhone recorder app and a headset, sitting in solitude as if having a personal phone call. Try it; you may be surprised by the words of the company you deserve.

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