Wednesday, July 17, 2019

On blender bowls.

My last post covered blending with spirit and today’s post is on blending with lectin-free foods. Over the past couple of years I’ve been focusing on my health. My doctor diagnosed me with Raynaud’s Syndrome which is an autoimmune disorder that affects my circulation.

Last December, I landed in the heart hospital ER with a possible heart attack an hour after scarfing down a slice of fruit cake. Luckily, my medical team determined that while I have moderately hardened arteries, my heart-health is still pretty good and today I’m prescription drug free. 

However, these few past months were a wake-up call for me to be proactive with changing my diet.

For the last four weeks, I’ve been following Dr. Steven R. Gundry’s “Plant Paradox” program which is a lectin-free approach to improved health. Simply put, lectins are proteins that plants produce to protect themselves and when ingested, they can cause problems with the linings of peoples’ guts. “Leaky gut” may be the cause of autoimmune disorders (Lectin Free Mama features this easy infographic if you’d like more info on leaky gut). 

I already knew I was sensitive to gluten (which is a lectin) and dairy (the A1 casein of cow’s milk doesn’t like me either). But nightshades, rice, legumes and sweet fruits were totally on my meal plan. Limiting those foods or cooking them in my pressure cooker have let me, over the month, lose the five pounds I gained while on a statin. 

I’m sleeping better, I have more energy, no cravings and my focus is clearer. So, I plan to keep eating this way and have decided to experiment with one of my favorite breakfast meals, the blender bowl.

Since we bought a high speed blender about four years ago, I’ve become a fan of blender bowls. They’re more satisfying to eat than smoothies and I love their portability and dressing them up with fun toppings. 

I’ve decided to highlight my favorite combos at least once a week here as I feel strongly that eating well is important to mediums and psychic artists. So many of us sensitives have autoimmune disorders, weight and sleep issues. Why not try eliminating lectins and see how your health might benefit?

Mint Cacao Nibs* Blender Bowl

*If you don’t have cacao nibs, try using dark chocolate shavings (at least 72% cocoa or higher for the best polyphenol content).

Makes approximately 1.5 cups 

¼ Cup organic coconut milk
¼ Cup chopped organic Romaine lettuce, packed
¼ Cup frozen organic spinach
¼ Avocado
½ Crisp d’Anjou pear, peeled and seeded
2 fresh mint stalks, whole (with at least 8 leaves)
1 Tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Tsp Cacao nibs or dark chocolate shavings for garnish

Combine all ingredients and blend on high speed for 40 seconds or until well combined. Serve in a bowl topped with cacao nibs or dark chocolate shavings. 

Other yummy additions include a scoop of hemp protein powder, ground flax or psyllium seeds. Let me know if you give it a whirl!

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