Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Mediumship practice circles, anyone?

I hope you had a lovely solstice season. My winter break was spent with family, friends, and working on my new website. It has gone live, but in beta mode, as I test out Google Sites and add new content to the page.

Hope you like it. I quite like it as Google Sites is simple to use and the page has a contemporary, minimalist feel that appeals to me.

Today I'd also like to announce that I'm offering online circles through Google Hangouts (or Zoom, depending on which platform we prefer). 

If you wish to sit for mediumship development or simply as a recipient for readings, please check out my website and scroll down to the survey. As soon as I get some responses with dates and times, I’ll post on my website and Facebook page when we can get started.

The circles and one-on-ones will be free for the month of January. In February, I will request a $5 donation which would cover drop-in sessions and up to one individual session for each month.

Whether or not you're a regular reader of my blog, I’d love to work with you, so please consider joining me.

Looking forward to positive progress for all in 2018!

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