Friday, November 3, 2017

I appreciate you!

I work as an administrator at a university. October is one of the busiest months of the year for me. As it just passed--and as November commences--I’d like to simply give gratitude for staying at an even keel.

It wasn’t easy but knowing that I can only do one thing at a time was helpful. Surrendering to the moment helped me relax. Relying on Spirit’s help and trusting it would be there was paramount.

Trust was a big issue for me in October. There was a heck of a lot of work to do, on top of my volunteering and family obligations, and I just trusted that it would all be completed and that I’d enjoy myself during the process as well.

If I felt stressed, my plans were to get outside as soon as I could to walk in nature, and find things around campus to appreciate (see photo above). In each conversation, I’d find a way to make the other person feel appreciated.

We are connected agents of God, and knowing this makes me feel that all human beings, all animals, all manifestations, are sacred.
But today I kind of lost it. Because I put off a task that I wasn’t looking forward to (think filing good ol’ governmental forms) I felt displeasure in my procrastination and instead of being in a state of gratitude for finally getting it over with, I was pouting about the hassle and feeling put-upon.

These were authentic emotions, but not great for making the process go any smoother. As soon as I caught myself being pissy, I apologized to the clerk in front of me, and literally stepped back to reflect on how this moment could be seen as sacred.

As soon as I felt gratitude for noticing my sour mood, my emotions felt lighter. To end the interaction, I said, “I appreciate you!” to the clerk with all the sincerity I could muster.

Let’s give thanks for the little things more often, and especially to our spirit friends who work alongside us, closer than close, as we blend with Spirit and as we simply go through our day-to-day lives.

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