Thursday, March 30, 2017

Can mediumship be taught?

As art cannot be taught and there are no human teachers, there are only two teachers, if you want a teacher at all: one is your own childhood, your own self; the other is nature. --Friedensreich Hundertwasser

If you substitute “mediumship” for the word “art” in the above quote, would you agree with that statement?

I, like many Spiritualists, would agree that the best teachers are the spirits who guide us. Guides are those energies that nudge us toward paying attention to clues from the unseen world of which we are all a part. Oftentimes, this begins in childhood when we are more open to new experiences and curious about mysterious things.

Of course, once a medium starts paying attention and linking with the spirit world, she sees that every spirit communicator provides a learning experience. But linking to the spirit world is something we must do on our own...meaning, we must work at mediumship in order to progress.

Art teachers, or mediumship teachers, can instruct on technique, but it is in the practicing of our art that we teach ourselves. Incarnate teachers (humans, as mentioned in the quote) can be great to help us instill discipline, which is a primary skill for working with subtle spiritual energies.

Spending time in nature teaches us the understanding that we are connected, we are one.

The best mediumship teachers are coaches who guide mediums with natural ability to offer clear communication, to learn how to “knock it out of the park” so that the recipient understands both the spirit’s words, emotions, and the message.

As a developing medium, you must take what you learn onboard and practice it religiously. Each time you link with Spirit, practice discipline, practice curiosity about the process. As you succeed, your guides will take notice and throw curve balls and exciting new twists that will keep you on your toes!

Don’t be that medium who falls back to her old habits, or rests on the laurels of his last successful demonstration, thinking he’s learned it all. Don’t be lazy. We cannot be lazy.

We cannot because mediumship school has no graduates.

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