Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Trust me, I'm a medium.

Common questions many developing mediums have are based on trust:

How can I trust getting a spirit communicator?

How can I trust the information I’m given is correct?

How can I trust keeping that link?

It doesn’t matter what you are trying to accomplish, trust evolves organically from discipline, repeated success, and applying insight in performing your task.

When you were a little girl or boy, you were taught to tie your shoelaces. Did you master tying your laces 10 seconds after it was first demonstrated?

Of course not!

It took several attempts and perhaps different approaches in order for you to master this fine motor technique. If you were like me, your mind was probably looking away from the task at hand as you were just itching to run off and join your friends on the playground.

A lack of discipline equals a lifetime of sloppy laces.

Even after you learned how to tie your laces, they kept coming undone. Then someone showed you how to double tie them. What a miracle!

Weeks later, you were double tying your laces without a second thought and possibly teaching the younger kids at school how to do it as well, thus reinforcing your ability to have super secure sneakers.

It took concentration (discipline), repetition (repeated success), insight (oh, you have to pull the laces really tight!) in order to become an ace lace tyer.

Let’s apply this to mediumship. A medium can build trust in linking with Spirit if she or he pays attention to making connections in “real life.” I’m a firm believer that your ability to hold a conversation and ask for information in your daily life with the people you interact with translates seamlessly to Spirit communication.

What is a Spirit link? Trust that is an experience not unlike the experience of greeting someone in the flesh. In our daily lives, we perceive people either by sight or hearing, and we sense emotions from that greeting.  Day in and day out, you may greet people and take this process for granted.

Today, why not pay more attention to the steps you go through when meeting someone, either stranger or an old friend? This relates to knowing whether or not you have a spirit communicator. Using your clairs, you’ll sense them in your environment, your clairknowing will pick up on their energy, their emotions, a memory of someone they may remind you of.

In real life, describe who you see, and stick with it. How would you describe their hair color and style? How does this person’s voice affect you? What is their emotion? What is their relationship to you? What does their perfume or aftershave smell like?

Devote your full attention to this next part of the interaction:

This relates to holding a link: Don’t let your mind wander away from really looking at them and noticing the little details that make them recognizable.

Even if you’re just in the elevator, ask this person a question, and note their response. Even if they don’t respond verbally, what is their expression?

Be curious and stay curious! This person is on this journey with you for a reason.

Ask them, “What are you up to today?” If you’re at work, sincerely ask, “How can I help you?”  During your conversation, notice if any memories pop up when you’re speaking to them. How do they steer the conversation, or if they’re quiet, gently support that quietude because it means something. Perhaps they’re ill or tired, or just shy.

But if they do say something unusual, always ask “Why? Why do you say that?”

Their answer may surprise you. This is especially when you trust that the information you’re getting is correct…it will not be something in your field of knowledge or experience.

For instance, this morning I spoke to a young maintenance lady dressed in a blue uniform, her silver hair done up with ponytails. “How’s your day going?” I asked.

She smiled with some hesitation.”Oh, it’s been interesting!”

“Oh, really? Why do you say that?” I asked.

She then told me that she’s had a change of medication and has been feeling dizzy. She rolled her eyes a bit and laughed, “But it’s been a good change, I just need to get used to it.”

If this woman was a spirit communicator, the information that could be accepted as evidence would be her job and uniform, her unique hairstyle, the fact that she was young but on medication that made her dizzy, and her light-hearted laugh.

Finally, after you speak to people in your day-to-day life, pay attention to how they say goodbye to you.

Most people have a characteristic way of ending a conversation, and when you practice taking notice of this behavior, you will be able to use it to help close your spirit links.

After every link, go over what went right and what you could improve on. This is where insight comes in. Observe how other mediums work and see how they manage their links. Ask them, “How do you trust your information?”

Finally, don’t be too hard on yourself, as success comes with practice and practice is always a good time to fail. If you still have issues with trust, simply put, you may need more practice and less time being critical of yourself.

Go out and enjoy your conversations. Perhaps keep a journal in order to write down your exchanges, or if you’re not feeling sociable, hang out at a cafe and notice the appearance of the people and jot down the conversations, emotions, scents, and subtle energies that envelop you.

Trust your perceptions and sensations and bring that trust to your next spirit link.

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