Friday, December 29, 2017

Gratitude for Spirit, not the recipient.

"As he says goodbye, your father gives a sweet, half smile to you.
He exudes warmth and kindness in his gentle way." 

Often we mediums are so pleased to work with Spirit and a recipient who understands our connection, that we end our communication by saying to the recipient, “Thank you for working with me.”

If we analyze why we say this, we find that it’s not really where our gratitude lies, and it’s a fairly meaningless thing to say.

As  mediums, we are the mechanism through which a disembodied spirit person speaks to their loved one. If objects could talk (and, by the way, I believe they do through psychometry), wouldn’t you think it absurd for your telephone to thank you for speaking through it each time you make a call?

A good medium takes herself out of the communication as much as possible. She honestly and respectfully gives the information she receives, and hopefully, the recipient is grateful to hear from Spirit, just like a recipient of a phone call might thank the person they spoke to for their time and conversation. A grateful recipient should thank the medium, not the other way around.

To keep yourself from closing a connection in this tired and clichéd way, ask Spirit to show you how they would show gratitude for this chat, or how they would say goodbye to the recipient in their own way, a way that would provide evidence of the spirit person’s personality.

During the link for the spirit portrait above, this spirit father's eyes welled up with love and he had such a sweet, half-smiling way that his daughter very much understood.

That is one example of how a medium can end a connection in a meaningful way, and not with a throw-away, one-size-fits-all kind of statement.

If this approach feels like too big an ask, practice noticing such statements and gestures in your day-to-day conversations. How do you personally like to say goodbye and thank you to someone? How do people you speak to come across when they end an interaction?

Name the motions and emotions to yourself, and build up your vocabulary of images and how you would impart them to future recipients.

I hope you agree that mediums should be keen observers of human behavior as we should be accurate communicators of behavior in our work. Start today, and if you catch yourself ending a communication with "Thank you..." you can always add, "...Spirit!"

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