Sunday, November 12, 2017

Ask questions of Spirit not your recipient.

In my weekly mediumship development class, I mention the time limit for mediums and always, always, always, the request: “Ask questions of Spirit, not your recipient.”

When a medium asks questions of their recipient, there is always an aura of uncertainty about it, as if the medium needed validation from the sitter, because they were not sure of their connection with Spirit.

Sometimes it’s merely the medium’s inexperience that causes the medium to ask the recipient to validate what s/he’s said, but often it’s just a bad habit.

When a medium phrases a statement from Spirit as a question, such as, “Your mother was a strong-willed person, wasn’t she?” it feels like laziness to me. Why not trust your connection with Spirit and phrase the statement as “Your mother reminds you that she was a strong-willed person.”

Isn’t that a more confident, personal way of phrasing this quality?

I’m reminded of this because as an animal communicator, I always trust the feelings I get from my animal communicator, but today my mind barged in when petting a stranger’s Airedale Terrier and felt a being so much older than his years.

Although I got the number 9, he had so much energy.  Shaving a few years off that number, I said to his companion, “He’s five years old?”

“No!” He said. “He’s only 9 months old.”

This dog (see his adorableness above) was so huge and well behaved, my mind butted in and unfortunately, I listened to it. Instead, I immediately realized I should’ve said, “Wow, I’m getting 9 years old…? That couldn’t be true!”

Always trust what you get, never let your mind interfere. Spirit does not enter our limited consciousness but is available through our entire Awareness and we receive it in many different ways...both animal and human.

The form or species doesn’t matter, we are one.

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