Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Is mediumship a spectator sport?

Photo credit: Dominique Salm

A comment made by a correspondent of mine about audience members of public demonstrations got me thinking. He said:

“I believe that people who routinely go to clairvoyance demonstrations are rather like spectators at motor sports. They want to see a clear winner but they also want the thrills of the spills.”

Mediumship is best done in the moment, with the medium riding on the energy built in the room by a captive audience who all wish for contacts from the spirit world. The crowd hopes for clear and vivid messages with meanings just for them; but sometimes, mediums work with parked links and they fail to land a recipient. Sometimes things go pretty badly. Sometimes, watching mediums work, I just have to cringe. Random information...clichéd messages….questions asked and rampant feeding. Egads!

Although I’ve not experienced it, I’ve heard of skeptics with their emotions blocked, refusing to acknowledge the validity of information brought through by the hard-working medium. Maybe the recipient only wanted to hear from Dad and Uncle Charlie just wouldn’t do. I’ve experienced giving precise information on relationship and name, but the recipient was oblivious that it was their loved one (until nudged by a family member with a better memory). I’ve seen many mediums give up at the first couple of negative responses.

Ouch. The seasoned audience members' heads turn to each other, “tsk tsking” as their worry lines rise up on shaking foreheads, but don’t despair. We should never let these “crash and burn” moments derail us.

As you know, there are numerous spirit communicators in the queue at each demonstration. Smile. Be open to them. Be open to changing the link. Ask for a life-line from your spirit guides, and one will break through to help you recover. Practice this the next time you demonstrate, just for kicks, and you’ll be amazed at how helpful changing the link can be.

Keep light on your feet, keep your sense of humor intact, and be willing to serve Spirit with grace and humility. It's all about the link between Spirit and the recipient. Let that link be meaningful and let Spirit shine.

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