Friday, December 30, 2016

Mediumship: No Thinking Required.

We are spiritual awareness.

In order to function on this physical plane, we’re incarnated in body/minds which allow us our physical individuality, temporarily masking our interconnectedness. 

It’s our purpose, our personal responsibility, to progress individually in order to progress the whole. How we do that, ideally, is to express our gifts fully and to spread love.

As spiritual awareness, we communicate our emotions telepathically. We are all able to communicate psychically between incarnate souls; even those people who don’t believe in spirit communication understand the meaning of the phrases “gut feeling” and “a mother’s intuition.”

Those of us who develop a particular sensitivity to pass on the messages of the discarnate are mediums. Mediums who wish to progress must develop this natural sensitivity in their own way and according to their own capabilities and interests. My way is to keep it as simple and natural a process as possible.

The tricky thing is, we have our minds to deal with. Our minds feed us thoughts, doubts, fears, and project our insecurities on others in the waking state. Meditation is praised as the best tool to use to silence our thoughts so that we raise our awareness. But we are eternally spiritual awareness! That is the essence of who we are, but our body/minds make us forget.

When we meditate, even just sitting idly without any concerns, or when we are on the brink of sleep, we are as close to spiritual awareness as we can ever be in our body/minds. It was in such an idle, but ripe moment that my spirit disconnected from my body/mind and I had an out-of-body-experience (click here to read my account on the IANDS website).

Each time we sit for Spirit, we should strive for such an open awareness. Many mediums are trained to meditate through tutors who give instructions about what to visualize. Guided visualizations are best done by exactly following the tutor’s instructions as this instills discipline. If your tutor says, “Come with me, as we walk on a stony path up a hill…” do not change the imagery to walking alone on a beach because that is what you’d rather do. Climb that hill with your tutor and do exactly as you are told.

Why? Simply because mediums are not to think about what they are given. Say you are working on the platform and a Spirit shows you images of his workplace, a shoe factory in an old mill town in New England. You may not have any experience with such a place, but you must without doubt be disciplined and pass on exactly what you are shown without your own take on the scenes being given. Whatever words, images, smells or tastes that arise in your awareness are not for you to interpret.

Meditation that guides you to utter stillness, without thoughts or an agenda, whether you’re sitting in the power or walking in nature, is the most natural way to progress your mediumship development. If you are sitting in utter stillness, and a spirit communicator makes herself known to you, feel how that goes without any expectations. Let her take you on a journey, so when you are working, you will keep on the path that Spirit leads you in order to pass along information with greater accuracy.

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